On this page:
The lateſt releaſe of UnifrakturCook is UnifrakturCook.2013-08-25.zip (for other releaſes, browſe http://sourceforge.net/projects/unifraktur/files/fonts/).
For inſtallation, doubleclick the TTF file that is included in the ZIP archive, and your OS ſhould aſk you whether you want to inſtall the font.
Since this font is available at Adobe Edge Web Fonts, you can eaſily embed it on your internet ſite.
The ſafeſt way to embed the font is by placing the following line of code at the beginning of the <head>
tag of your HTML code:
<script src="//use.edgefonts.net/unifrakturcook:n7:all.js"></script>
After that, you may uſe the font name UnifrakturCook
in ſubſequent CSS definitions, for inſtance like this:
h1 { font-family: UnifrakturCook; }
Or like that:
<h1 style="font-family: UnifrakturCook">Your heading</h1>
UnifrakturCook is baſed on Peter Wiegel’s font Koch Fette Deutſche Schrift. The main differences from Peter Wiegel’s font are the following:
This font has been edited with FontForge, the free outline font editor. OpenType features have been added with FontForge directly. AAT features have been added with ftxenhacer
of the Apple Font Tools. Graphite has been added with the Graphite Compiler. For more information about AAT and Graphite, you may want to check out Free Tengwar Font Project: Adding Graphite and AAT to a Font.
The WOFF, EOT and SVG files have been generated with the Font Squirrel @font-face Generator.
Verſion | Sample phraſe |
2013-08-25 | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2013-08-25, Light | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2012-07-21 | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2010-11-24* | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2010-11-24 | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2010-08-17 | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2010-07-21 | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
2010-06-19 | ſtützt falſche Zeitzone – ſtützt falſche Zeitzone |
* Google Font API distribution
Here is what the ſample phraſe ſhould look like. It is a ſcreenſhot from Firefox 3.6.8 on Mac OS X 10.6.4:
The ſample phraſe uſes the following code:
ſtüt‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
This allows the teſting of ſeveral features:
trigger a ligature?‌
inhibit a ligature?‍
and ‌
non-ſpacing when letterſpacing is increaſed?