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UnifrakturMaguntia, a Unicode Fraktur Font

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Download and Inſtallation

The lateſt releaſe of UnifrakturMaguntia is UnifrakturMaguntia.2017-03-19.zip. For other releaſes, browſe http://sourceforge.net/projects/unifraktur/files/fonts/.

For inſtallation, doubleclick the TTF file that is included in the ZIP archive, and your OS ſhould aſk you whether you want to inſtall the font.

@font-face embedding

Since this font is available at Adobe Edge Web Fonts, you can eaſily embed it on your internet ſite.

The ſafeſt way to embed the font is by placing the following line of code at the beginning of the <head> tag of your HTML code:

<script src="//use.edgefonts.net/unifrakturmaguntia:n4:all.js"></script>

After that, you may uſe the font name UnifrakturMaguntia in ſubſequent CSS definitions, for inſtance like this:

p {
  font-family: UnifrakturMaguntia;

Or like that:

<p style="font-family: UnifrakturMaguntia">Your text</p>

About the Font

UnifrakturMaguntia is baſed on Peter Wiegel’s font Berthold Mainzer Fraktur. The main differences from Peter Wiegel’s font are the following:

For an extenſive documentation created by G. Ansmann, ſee UnifrakturMaguntia, Manual (with General Rules for Typeſetting Fraktur), or UnifrakturMaguntia, Manual (with General Rules for Typesetting Fraktur).

This font has been edited with FontForge, the free outline font editor.

Compariſon of different verſions

Verſion Sample phraſe
2016-02-21 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2016-02-18 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2014-07-06 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2013-08-21 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-10-19 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-10-19 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-10-17 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-10-17 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-07-26 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-07-21 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2012-02-11 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2010-11-24* ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2010-11-24 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2010-08-17 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2010-07-21 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone
2010-06-19 ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone – ſit‍zt falſche Zeit‌zone

* Google Font API distribution.

† Built with ttfautohint.

Here is what the ſample phraſe ſhould look like. It is a ſcreenſhot from Firefox 15.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.8:

UnifrakturMaguntia ſample phraſe ſcreenſhot

The ſample phraſe uſes the following code:

ſit&zwj;zt falſche Zeit&zwnj;zone

This allows the teſting of ſeveral features:


This is an overview of the OpenType Layout features that are implemented in UnifrakturMaguntia 2016-02-18. Some features are aſſigned both as character variants and as ſtyliſtic ſets. The reason is that ſtyliſtic ſets are more acceſſible through current ſoftware, while ſemantically, character variants are more ſenſible in theſe caſes. The automatic converſion of s into ſ, for inſtance, is aſſigned both to cv11 and to ss11. The exact configuration of the features may be ſubject to changes in future verſions of the font.

Feature Code Sample
Modern forms "ss01" StylisticSet=1 ASVYkſxyASVYkſxy
Historic u and v "ss02" StylisticSet=2 Und bevorUnd bevor
Historic i and j "ss03" StylisticSet=3 Ist bejahtIst bejaht
Modern k "cv01" CharacterVariant=1 kannkann
Modern x "cv02" CharacterVariant=2 AxtAxt
Modern x (var) "cv02" 2 CharacterVariant=2:1 AxtAxt
Modern y "cv03" CharacterVariant=3 MythenMythen
Modern A "cv04" CharacterVariant=4 ArtArt
Modern A (var) "cv04" 2 CharacterVariant=4:1 ArtArt
Modern G "cv05" CharacterVariant=5 GlanzGlanz
Modern K "cv06" CharacterVariant=6 KohlKohl
Modern N "cv07" CharacterVariant=7 NachtNacht
Modern S "cv08" CharacterVariant=8 SinnSinn
Modern V "cv09" CharacterVariant=9 VogelVogel
Modern Y "cv10" CharacterVariant=10 YakYak
Long ſ "cv11" CharacterVariant=11 schönstesschönstes
"ss11" StylisticSet=11 schönstesschönstes
Round r "cv12" CharacterVariant=12 errorerror
"ss12" StylisticSet=12 errorerror
IJ "cv13" CharacterVariant=13 IgelIgel
"ss13" StylisticSet=13 IgelIgel
ÄÖÜÄÖÜ "cv14" CharacterVariant=14 ÄrgerÄrger
"ss14" StylisticSet=14 ÄrgerÄrger
Diaeresis → small e "cv15" CharacterVariant=15 ſchön Übenſchön Üben
"ss15" StylisticSet=15 ſchön Übenſchön Üben
šśŝṡs̈ → with tail "cv16" CharacterVariant=16 šśŝṡs̈šśŝṡs̈
"ss16" StylisticSet=16 šśŝṡs̈šśŝṡs̈
šśŝ → with ſ "cv17" CharacterVariant=17 šśŝšśŝ
"ss17" StylisticSet=17 šśŝšśŝ
Other ďť "cv18" CharacterVariant=18 ďťďť
"ss18" StylisticSet=18 ďťďť
Wide "cv19" CharacterVariant=19
"ss19" StylisticSet=19
Swaſhleſs s (not final) "cv20" CharacterVariant=20 schönstesschönstes
"ss20" StylisticSet=20 schönstesschönstes
Alternative ś "cv21" CharacterVariant=21 śś
Alternative ś (var) "cv21" 2 CharacterVariant=21:1 śś
Alternative ŝ "cv22" CharacterVariant=22 ŝŝ
Alternative ŝ (var) "cv22" 2 CharacterVariant=22:1 ŝŝ
Alternative š "cv23" CharacterVariant=23 šš
Alternative š (var 1) "cv23" 2 CharacterVariant=23:1 šš
Alternative š (var 2) "cv23" 3 CharacterVariant=23:2 šš
Alternative š (var 3) "cv23" 4 CharacterVariant=23:3 šš
Alternative š (var 4) "cv23" 5 CharacterVariant=23:4 šš
Alternative "cv24" CharacterVariant=24
Alternative "cv25" CharacterVariant=25
Alternative ď "cv26" CharacterVariant=26 ďď
Alternative ť "cv27" CharacterVariant=27 ťť
Stroke ligature (on ll and ſſ) "cv28" CharacterVariant=28 łł ẜẜłł ẜẜ
ſs "cv40" CharacterVariant=40 ſſ
"ss10" StylisticSet=10 ſſ
"cv00" CharacterVariant=0 ſſ
Historic etc. "hlig" Ligatures=Historic etc.etc.
mm and nn abbreviation "dlig" Ligatures=Rare mm nnmm nn
Monospaced numbers "tnum" Numbers=Monospaced 1234512345
Uppercase numbers "lnum" Numbers=Uppercase 1234512345
Common ligatures** "liga" Ligatures=Common hat‌tehatte
Required ligatures** "ccmp" (always on) Schat‌zSchatz
No common ligatures "liga" off Ligatures=NoCommon hattehatte

** Theſe features ſhould be activated by default. Their explicit activation ſhould (theoretically) not be required.

A CSS ſetting – for inſtance for the long ſ – may look as follows:

-moz-font-feature-settings: "cv01";
-webkit-font-feature-settings: "cv01";
-ms-font-feature-settings: "cv01";
font-feature-settings: "cv01";

Setting the features in XeLaTeX requires the package fontspec. One poſſibility of ſetting the features may be ſeen in the file UnifrakturMaguntia_2016-02-18_features.tex, which produces UnifrakturMaguntia_2016-02-18_features.pdf.

Feature compilations in ready-to-uſe variant fonts

An increaſing number of applications is able to diſplay advanced OpenType features. However, the interface for ſwitching on particular features can be very complicated, and ſome applications lack ſuch an interface altogether. Therefore, we offer the following ready-to-uſe variant fonts. In each of them, a compilation of features from the normal UnifrakturMaguntia font is ſwitched on by default and hard-wired, if poſſible. Thus, the actual diſplay relies less on the diſplaying ſoftware’s advanced OpenType abilities, and you do not have to ſwitch the features on by yourself.

The names of theſe ready-to-uſe variant fonts approximately correſpond to the century when the reſpective compilation of features was uſed. For inſtance, the font UnifrakturMaguntia18 attempts to emulate the typeſetting conventions of the 18th century.

Verſions Feature Sample
21 Modern forms (ss01) ASVYkſxy → ASVYkſxy
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Long ſ (cv11) schönstes → schönstes
Wide – (cv19) – →
Uppercase numbers (lnum) 12345 → 12345
16, 17, 18, 19 I → J (cv13) Igel → Igel
ÄÖÜ → ÄÖÜ (cv14) Ärger → Ärger
Historic etc. (hlig) etc. → etc.
16, 17, 18 Diaeresis → small e (cv15) ſchön Üben → ſchön Üben
16, 17 Historic u and v (ss02) Und bevor → Und bevor
16 Round r (cv12) error → error